Barbell Complex A (add weight from last week)
Bench Press 5x5reps (add weight from last week)
Pendlay rows 3x5reps (add weight from last week)
TGU 3x10per side
Hollow rocks 3x15
Barbell Complex B (add weight from last week)
Push press 3x5reps (add weight from last week)
Front squat 3x5reps (add weight from last week)
AMRAP 8 minutes:
15 Thrusters
10 Chest to bar Pullups
5 Toes to bar
Welcome to the new website!
Barbell Complex C (add weight from last week)
In celebration of the new website and general cool goings on, we'll do yet another benchmark workout, and you'll kick ass.
Barbell Complex D (add weight from last week)
Pick one of the Olympic lifts:
Clean & Jerk
Squat (any variation) 5x5-8 (add weight from last week)
Deadlift 1x5 (add weight from last week)
Box jumps 3reps x max height
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