Just a few announcements and stuff...

- Sorry for the lack of update on Monday, I'd like to say it was so the WOD was an extra special surprise, but I just got busy (lazy) and didn't update the blog.

- There is a new "real" website in the works - with online reoccurring billing (I won't have to chase you down with my stick anymore)

- We are taking on yet another trainer this month who will hopefully be coaching a new 6:30pm class starting March 2. His name is Ryan and he will shadow for this month like Justin did. Ryan is also joining the weightlifting team to compete next year.

- There are many new people joining lately, please welcome everyone like we always do, with open hands and hearts. The community we are building is amazing!

- The weightlifting team had a great competition this weekend at Winterlift in Toronto. Kim and Kevin both won bronze for their weight classes. Will lifted 6 for 6 (he didn't miss a lift) and PR'd on his clean and jerk.

- A few of the weightlifting team are dry-running Dan John's "Mass Made Simple" program, you'll get a chance to do what they are doing in the future if it proves to be beneficial, which I'm sure it is, it's Dan John after all...

- If you want to join the weightlifting team, please talk to me ASAP, only 22 weeks until the new competition season begins!

In lieu of the competition on Saturday, your Tuesday WOD is:

Snatch (work to a heavy single, take 3 attempts at a new max) 20 min.
Rest 10 min.
Clean and Jerk (work to a heavy single, take 3 attempts at a new max) 20 min.

- one more thing, you are awesome!

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